Designer Strip Tags and Pot Stakes

Our exclusive full color promotional thermal transfer printable tags that feature colorful graphcis and message on one side and a blank side for adding copy and/or logo on the other with your thermal transfer printer.

Select from 1" x 9" strip tags to designate Water Wise, Deer Resistant, Native Plant and Tree Categories.  And a Christmas Tag with a tear-off that can be customized with tree variety, price and consecutively numbered. Also great for labeling greenery.

Or choose from 5/8" x 5" pot stakes for labeling annuals and perennials.  These are becoming a favorite of retailers who also grow some of their products. 


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Prices are shown in quantities of 1000
Must order in multiples of 1000
Design Lot 1000 5000 10000 50000 100000 250000 500000 1000000 3000000 6000000 Qty.
CHRISTMAS OSDTS1090TP-CH $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77
FLOWERING TREE OSDTS1090TP-FL $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77
FRUIT TREE OSDTS1090TP-FR $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77
SHADE TREE OSDTS1090TP-ST $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77
WATER WISE OSDTS1090TP-WW $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77
NATIVE PLANT OSDTS1090TP-NA $36.30 $34.85 $26.14 $24.83 $23.58 $23.25 $22.40 $21.89 $21.55 $21.02
DEER RESISTANT OSDTS1090TP-DE $93.56 $89.82 $67.37 $64.00 $60.77

5/8" X 5" DESIGNER POT STAKE -- 2000/ROLL, 5,000/CASE

Prices are shown in quantities of 1000
Must order in multiples of 2000
Design Lot 1000 5000 10000 50000 100000 Qty.
ANNUALS FULL SUN OSDTP0650T-AF $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
ANNUALS OSDTP0650T-AN $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
ANNUALS PART SUN OSDTP0650T-AP $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
ANNUALS SHADE OSDTP0650T-AS $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
PERENNIALS OSDTP0650T-PE $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
PERENNIALS FULL SUN OSDTP0650T-PF $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
PERENNIALS PART SUN OSDTP0650T-PP $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
PERENNIALS SHADE OSDTP0650T-PS $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37
WATER WISE OSDTP0650T-WW $57.57 $54.37 $51.17 $47.97 $46.37