Hort Post Jan 18, 2016

Hort Post

A regular e-communication from Horticultural Marketing and Printing

January 18, 2016

Help your customers understand perennials

A recent Home Garden Panel questioned customers on their perennial plant purchasing habits. The report stated that 14% of shoppers don’t understand the difference between annuals and perennials. They were confused about the lifespan of perennials, how they perform in the landscape and also about how much maintenance they require. Shoppers over 51 and over 60 were most likely to value perennial plants for their longevity (both over 43 percent), while 18-40 year olds prefer their purchases to provide immediate color to planting projects. So as a vendor, this means providing education through signage or classes and featuring material that is currently blooming will capture shoppers’ attention and  help increase sales in that category.


 Error message? Always start with the sensor


It’s not uncommon to encounter an error message when printing tags with your thermal transfer printer. But 90 percent of the time the error is the result of the label sensor getting out of alignment. This holds true for both “No Paper” and “Paper Jam” messages. What has typically happened is the tags have shifted and the indicator notch is no longer passing over the sensor. By slightly adjusting the sensor, you can typically solve the problem quickly and easily. If you still have problems, feel free to call us for assistance at (800) 433-8247.


UVPLUS 931E LED Color Printer


A new state of the art printer featuring breathtaking color, stunning detail and outstanding production speed. The best choice to produce full-color plant tags, signs, banners and brochures. Uses proven UV-resistant toners for outdoor application. Choose from hang tag, strip tag, sign and pressure-sensitive label sizes listed in our catalog or give us a call to ask about custom sizes to meet your special needs.


Get ready for spring with our Galvanized Metal Sign Holders


Our most popular sign holders feature proven galvanized steel construction for years of reliable use. Our sign holder faces are flanged on all 4 sides to keep signs from blowing out. We have many different sizes and designs to fit your needs.


Enter GALSIGNJAN16 at checkout to receive 10% off your galvanized sign purchase.



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2/26/2018 10:59 PM