Blog posts of '2016' 'July'

HortPost,July 20, 2016


Hort Post

July 20, 2016


The industry-best color printer, just $229 per month

Printing color tags and signs has now become more affordable than ever with the industry-best UVPLUS printer from Horticultural Marketing and Printing. Ask about our financing option with monthly payments as low as $229 per month. The UVPLUS offers unchallenged fade resistance on full-color plant tags, signs, pot stakes, banners and brochures. Also ask about our new TagXpress Plus software package, which includes access to our extensive plant photo library. Order in July and received a free set of toners (a $946 value).


Fresh monochromatic displays

One hot design trend that translates well to container plantings is the monochromatic look. This idea starts with selecting a single color and expanding the range of tints and shades within that color. This concept might give you the opportunity to sell some otherwise slow moving pottery. Imagine a dark blue container with pale blue woodland phlox and dusty blue hosta, or a bright yellow container full of golden coreopsis with yellow bidens cascading down.  Even brown containers could be used to highlight the rich colors of heuchera or loropetalum, and white or off white pots would be great filled with daisies for sunny locations or gardenias in shady gardens.


Blackboard Stakes

Use with white Posterman Pens or chalk for eye-catching pricing or labeling. Posterman Pens are waterproof, but wash off with household cleaner. Plastic base fits all size stakes, Fasten stakes to bench or place beneath flats or pots. Available in 2 sizes: 6 x 4 x 21”; 8 x 5 x 28”. Purchase in packages of 25.

Enter BBSTAKEAUG16 in the shopping cart window to receive 10% off your purchase of Blackboard Stakes or Bases.




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Horticulture Marketing and Printing - 3210 Innovative Way – Mesquite, TX 75149

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HortPost, July 6, 2016

Hort Post

A regular e-communication from Horticultural Marketing and Printing

July 6, 2016



Retail Therapy

According to Ebates recent Spring Shopping Survey, almost everyone (96% of adults and 95% of teens) engages in “retail therapy” as a mood booster. For adults, 56% say that clothing purchases make them happiest, followed by books, music, and movies (42%); travel (40%); tech/electronics (38%); and home décor (33%). Teens got the best pick-me-up from clothing (68%); tech/electronics (51%); books, music, and movies (43%); travel (22%); and home décor (17%).  While we know that plants make garden center customers happy, it’s good to realize that clothing, books and home décor (indoor or outdoor) will also pique their interests. Keeping all your profit centers fresh and up to date will help you maximize sales. Source: Green Profit Magazine

Protecting yourself from ransomware


Ransomware is a type if malicious software (malware) designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid. Here are some ways that you can fight off becoming infected with ransom ware. Install software updates. Malware commonly invades your computer via outdated software applications. Keep your applications and operating system up to date and safer. Use Windows User Access Control. If you’re using Windows, User Access Control (UAC) will inform you when a program makes a change that requires administrator level permission. UAC works by adjusting the permissions level of your user account based on the current tasks. So, if you’re reading email or creating documents you will have the permissions of a standard user even if you are logged in as an administrator. Be skeptical. Don’t click on any emails or attachments that you don’t recognize, and avoid suspicious websites. Most malware infections come from user actions, so if you’re not sure, don’t do it. Source:


Custom, Print-on-Demand Billboards

With our new UDesign technology, you can personalize your 7 x 5” and 11 x 7” billboard signs and promote your brand name along with your plants. You can choose from over 10,000 plant varieties -- over 4 times more than were available on the traditional billboards.

The completely customizable billboards allow you to:

• Add your company name and logo

• Add retail pricing and container size

• Edit plant descriptions

• Choose from 7”x 5” or 11”x 7” signs

• Select from 3 different templates for each size

• Select theme color or add your own background photo

• Add tie-in products.


Marking Flags


Solid color marking flags are ideal for above ground marking. The flags come in 2 sizes; 2.5 x 3.5” or 4x5” on a 21” wire staff. Sold in bundles of 100. The 4x5” flags can be custom printed with your own name and/or logo. The imprint area is 3.5x4.5”; there is an additional setup fee and a minimum order of 1000 flags.


Enter MARKINGFLAGSJULY16 in the shopping cart window to receive 10% off your purchase of non-customized Marking Flags.




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Horticulture Marketing and Printing - 3210 Innovative Way – Mesquite, TX 75149

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HortPost, June 22, 2016

Hort Post

A regular e-communication from Horticultural Marketing and Printing

June 22, 2016



Shopping Habits

A study of 300 shoppers ages 18-55 showed that 57% of consumers still make most of their purchases in store. Customers said that they ‘valued interaction with knowledgeable store associates and the ability to try products before buying’ as the main reasons for visiting brick and mortar stores. However, nearly a third of shoppers visited retailer websites to evaluate their purchases; while another 22% used exclusively online stores to research products that were purchased at retail locations. Even in these days of online shopping, keeping your sales staff up-to -date and well versed on your store inventory will improve your customers’ overall shopping experience and satisfaction.  (Source: Green Profit Magazine)


Retail / Wholesale Pricing

Many nurseries sell to both retail and wholesale customers. When that’s the case, you’re always going to have two different price points for each plant you sell. 

In addition to putting the retail price on the tag, it’s handy to have the wholesale price too. That way your wholesale customers can shop without constantly asking your staff, “How much is this? How much is that?”

By coding your wholesale pricing, you allow your landscapers to shop with less assistance. An easy code for customers to understand is putting the wholesale price at the end of a series of numbers. For instance, something that would wholesale for $10.99 could be coded 246981099. Cultivating both retail and wholesale customers will help your merchandise turns and allow you to have the freshest products possible.


Annual & Perennial Designer Tags


Colorfully distinguish annuals from perennials in your garden center. Choose from sun exposure color coded or single no-sun-exposure pot stakes. Actual size is 5/8” x 5” made of .020 Styrene.

Enter ANNPERDESIGNERTAGSJULY16 in the shopping cart window to receive 10% off your purchase of Annual or Perennial Designer Tags.

Classified Signs

The flexible, easy way to sign trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, annuals, and perennials. Sizes: 5x4,5x7,7x5,11x7, and 7x11. Made of .015 weatherproof vinyl; sold in packages of 25.



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Horticulture Marketing and Printing - 3210 Innovative Way – Mesquite, TX 75149

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