Hort Post
A regular e-communication from Horticultural Marketing and Printing
June 8, 2016
Millennial Moms
Nearly half (46%) of millennial women (age 22-34) are mothers. Understanding their shopping habits can benefit your bottom line. Of these millennial moms 92% of millennial moms want to their purchases to support charities or larger causes. Almost three-quarters (71%) of young moms work outside the home. These moms also spend time and money on DIY projects and crafts at home. Social media sites like Pinterest are the likely drivers of the inspiration for these projects, and savvy advertisers for craft, home and décor products will increase brand awareness by using visual, interactive marketing to reach out and engage these millennial moms’ interests. (Source: Green Profit Magazine)
Add your PO number to your tags to assist with tracking
By placing the PO number on tags, you will be able to tell which plants were on a specific order. This will help you track orders if plants come in diseased or infested, and may also assist your vendor in following up on infestation in the field. You can also include the PO date on the tag. However, while it’s handy to look at a plant and know how long it’s been on your yard, you don’t want customers to look at a tag and say, “Holy cow, this tree is old enough to vote!” One solution is to put the date in code. A simple way is to add one digit in front and in back of the date. For instance, the date April 15, 2014 would be 50415149. Most customers without spy training wouldn’t decipher that.
The industry's best and most-relied-upon thermal transfer printer. The XTRA-5 has a 5-inch print head and an extended frame to accommodate labels up to 9 inches wide. It also has a near-edge print head making it perfect for thicker nursery labels (including pot stakes!). Prints 300 DPI images for high-resolution barcodes and graphics.
Clear Pressure Sensitive Labels
Our newest innovation in sticker labels lets you custom price products without sacrificing good looks. Smaller sizes are perfect for pricing and barcoding custom and classic tags. They go on clean and look much more attractive than a white sticker.
The larger sticker is perfect for labeling colored pots. Now you don't have to worry about the white labels being a distraction. Please realize that barcodes cannot be read against all container colors.
Enter PSCLEARLABELJUNE16 in the shopping cart window to receive 10% off your purchase of Clear Pressure Sensitive Labels.
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